19 September, 2016

If you have wondered where I’ve been, life happened, as it does, and the blog got left behind, as it will.

School, however, did not get left behind, and I’m going to attempt a quick check in and catch up today before getting back to blogging our daily rhythm tomorrow.

Thursday – 

Wednesday’s blog entry jinxed us. I should have known better than to brag on what an unusually amazing day Chase had, because he woke up on Thursday surly and tired, insisting he didn’t know how to read half of what he read the day before, adamant that he could not copy spelling words, unwilling to get along with his siblings or be kind to his family. Therefore, after a couple hours of struggle, Chase spent his day resting and cleaning his room and attempting to reset while the rest of the family readied the house for my parents to visit.

Homeschool doesn’t make bad days better, but it does allow you to have them in your pajamas.

Friday –

Friday was our first day of BCHAG co-op classes, and I loaded the kids up somewhat anxiously after experiencing Chase’s behavior on Thursday. However, he came through and we all ended up having a good time at homeschool group. The day’s activity with “Duct tape Madness” and both Chase and Eliza joined teams to build boats from duct tape and other materials (like straws and plastic gloves.) The boat that floated the best (by keeping a stuffed animal and then a roll of pennies from getting wet) won.

Chase had his first environmental science class of the semester, and Eliza joined in. They played get to know you games, then made pinecone and peanut butter/birdseed and wire/cheerio and cranberry bird feeders.

My parents got here for their week-long visit around 5pm. We tried to go to an outdoor movie, but since it was cancelled we ended up having pizza at the park. Everyone had a blast.

Saturday and Sunday –

Beach time, movie time, family time, break from school time.

Monday (today! almost caught up!) –

We jumped back into our rhythm this morning, despite the fact that both Chase and Eliza (along with half of the other kids at homeschool group on Friday) have colds and low grade fevers. Eliza actually had a really rough night, and I was surprised at her desire to complete every part of circle time this morning. We read a section from our poetry book, our Aesop’s Fables, and a book Eliza picked out about backyard birds.

Afterwards, Chase read a new book about Raccoons and did a pretty good job! He completed the spelling work that he struggled so hard with on Thursday, then breezed through a crossword puzzle in his Language Arts workbook focusing on sw and sp blends.

We took a long break for lunch, a lot of coloring, and long naps, then reconvened to read Chapter 7 of Treasure Island.

In reflection…

Oops. I’ll try to not go so long between blog entries again.

A few photos from the last few days…


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